Water Systems
Why is water treatment important in an evaporative cooling system?
Effective water treatment works to control scale, corrosion, and microbiological growth within an evaporative cooling system. It also helps to ensure heat transfer efficiency and extend the service life of the equipment.
When an evaporative cooling system rejects heat to the atmosphere, only pure water is evaporated. As this occurs...
What advantages does solid chemistry have over a traditional liquid chemistry program?
The use of solid chemistry in water treatment will result in lower shipping costs, the elimination of drum disposal, the elimination of chemical spills and the necessity of spill containment, as well as a reduction in required PPE.
Smart Shield® solid chemistry water treatment is available for cooling towers,...
How does the makeup water quality affect a cooling tower’s material of construction?
There are a variety of materials used for evaporative cooling equipment, like cooling towers. Some common choices include galvanized steel, 304 stainless steel, and 316 stainless steel. Each material has different corrosion resistance properties; thus, the makeup water quality will affect decisions about material of construction.
Water quality...
How much water will I save using EVAPCO’s Water Saver™?
The amount of water saved by using the EVAPCO Water Saver™ heavily depends on how many cycles of concentration (COC) the evaporative unit is currently running. It could be advantageous to inquire about this type of water treatment if the...
Will Pulse~Pure® work for me?
Pulse~Pure® is a pulse electric field device (PEFD) designed to control scale, corrosion, and microbiological growth in evaporative cooling systems by emitting high and low frequency electrical charges into the passing water. This chemical-free water treatment system has been approved for roughly 75% of makeup...