Fluid Coolers
What is a dry bulb switchover temperature?
A dry bulb switchover temperature refers to the temperature at which a closed circuit cooler can run fully dry (with just the fans running, without the spray pumps on) and reject 100% of the design heat load. This is an important term in the engineering community as a higher dry...
Can I operate my closed circuit cooler recirculating pump on a VFD?
No, the recirculating pumps supplied on EVAPCO closed circuit coolers are ON/OFF and require full flow to maintain system efficiency and prevent premature scaling of the coil. They are not designed to operate on a variable frequency drive (VFD).
Every fluid cooler pump is sized for a set flow rate...
When should I use glycol in my closed loop system instead of water?
Glycol has antifreeze properties that protect coils in a closed circuit cooler from potential freezing during winter operation in northern climates. Glycol solutions are rarely used for closed loop systems in warmer climates, such as Florida or Arizona, unless they are being used as corrosion inhibitors.
In general, about half...
Where can I find the coil volume of my closed circuit cooler?
You can find the coil volume of your closed circuit cooler in 3 places. Each model’s product brochure contains this important information. Visit our comprehensive Document Library to locate up-to-date materials related to your specific fluid cooler. You may also find the coil volume in the project submittal, or within EVAPCO’s selection...
Why do I need to maintain a minimum flow in my closed circuit cooler? What is the minimum flow I must maintain?
A minimum flow needs to be maintained in all closed circuit coolers to prevent potential freezing/bursting of the coil(s) during cold weather operation. Also, when the flow falls below a certain threshold it becomes laminar, which will significantly reduce performance during normal operation. The recommended minimum flow for each EVAPCO...