For steam cycles of 1 to 1000MW, EVAPCO Dry Cooling can supply the Air Cooled Condenser that is right for your application. Irrespective of fuel source, biomass, fossil, or solar, an EVAPCO Dry Cooling ACC can significantly reduce the water requirements of any power plant utilizing a steam cycle.

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Client safety is paramount to EVAPCO Dry Cooling; at every step of the air cooled condenser design process, consideration is given to the safety of both the construction team and the day to day operators of the air cooled condenser. During the execution of the project, input is solicited from all the safety stakeholders and incorporated into the design, making an EVAPCO Dry Cooling air cooled condenser the safest to build and operate.

Ease of construction, flexibility of design

EVAPCO Dry Cooling has the proven capabilities to provide air cooled condensers tailored to any site, region, or requirements. Advance design capabilities allow EVAPCO Dry Cooling to select air cooled condensers with height, noise, wind or layout restrictions and still guarantee all performance characteristics. EVAPCO's team has executed projects combining various levels of modularization and preassembly, from stick built to two cells fully assembled offsite. EVAPCO Dry Cooling's focus on simplifying construction saves clients time and money during the construction phase of a project.

Proven, Reliable Technology

EVAPCO Dry Cooling single row heat exchanger cores are in operation in over thirty-five power plants worldwide, with a combined electrical generation of over 12GW (click here for Evapco Dry Cooling reference list). Single row heat exchanger cores have been operational worldwide since 1990, and are installed in over 90% of air cooled condensers worldwide.

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Global Product Catalog 20.36 MB Catalog English
EVAPCO Dry Cooling Brochure 15.63 MB Catalog English
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